
Wednesday, November 22, 2023

For Sale in Polk County News' Penny Column, Nov. 22, 1923

Penny Column

FOR SALE—Team of good horses, wagon and harness. Will take $150 for the above outfit is sold in 30 days. Terms, if wanted. Mrs. B.F. Gibbs, Tryon, Route 1.

FOR SALE—Twelve Buff Orppington hens and one cockerel. Also few black Jersey Giant cockerels. Drawer B, Saluda, N.C.

FOR SALE—On Walnut Street next to the Baptist Church, house of six rooms and bath, in good condition. Will sell furnished complete as it is for $3,500. This is a real bargain. James Leonard, Tryon, N.C.

FOR SALE—On Broadway, my home, has three bed rooms and bath room on second floor. Kitchen, dining and living room on first floor, large cellar, and basement room 14X17. Plenty of fruit trees and flowering shrubs, large shade trees. Lot 150X150. All modern improvements. Will sacrifice4 if sold soon. James Leonard, Tryon, N.C.

LOST—Sunday afternoon near Saluda, brown traveling bag, initials W.B.F. Write or phone E.C. Andrews, Tryon, N.C. Reward.

FOR RENT—Small cottage nicely located. Five minutes walk from Post Office. Inquire at News Office.

FOR SALE—One Jersey Milch Cow, Fresh December 3. Two Saddle Horses, one three gated and the other five gaited. Phone 102 or apply to Carter Brown, Tryon, N.C.

FOR SALE—Sixty-three acres, 10 cleared, 7-room house, outbuildings, 150 grape vines. Some fruit trees. Specially adopted for fruits. Near church and school. Bargain. Wm. B. Gardinier, Penrose, N.C.

From page 4 of the Polk County News, Tryon, N.C., Nov. 22, 1923

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