
Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Freshman Football Team to Play Old Dominion, Nov. 23, 1923

BENNY ARNOLD Switched from halfback to quarter; he kicked a field goal from the 45-yard line in the game against V.P.I.

BILL DETRICK Left end, well remembered on the Hill for his great work as short stop on the Old Dominion baseball team.

THOMAS Coach of the Virginia freshman team which will play the Carolina first year team on Lambeth Field Saturday.

F.H. THESMAR Who is now playing his second year as varsity center for the Cavaliers.

Freshman Team Off to Virginia. . . Game With Old Dominion Expected to be Hard Fought Throughout

Coach Johnston and 23 men of the first year football squad left Friday morning for Charlottesville for the annual game with the Virginia freshman team. This will probably be the last game of the season for the Yearlings and will also be among the hardest.

The Virginia team has been through the season undefeated up until last Saturday when they met the little Flying squadron of V.M.I., the result of which is not known here. The Old Dominion team has been under the direction of Coaches Thomas and Fenwick, former varsity players. The contest is being looked forward to because the systems of the two varsity teams are in use by the youngsters, and the game may prove to be an indication of the style of play that will be employed by the varsity teams in the big Thanksgiving game next Thursday.

The Carolina team goes to Charlottesville somewhat handicapped by the loss of Marks, a fast back, who was called home on account of his mother’s death. Nims, the captain of the young Tar Heels, who had his leg hurt in the game with the South Carolina freshmen, will be in the game but will not be able to punt. His 60 and 70-yard punts will be sorely missed but Coach Johnston has had Dill and Grimsley practicing up on their punts since the South Carolina game.

The Virginia line-up will probably as follows: Dick, right end; Tyler, right tackle; Bariesas, right guard; Hayman, left tackle; Ahner, left end; Reider, quarter back; Laird, right half back; Mudhy, left half back; Rowe, full back.

Coach Pritchard, who leaves tonight for Charlottesville, tonight gave the following line-up to the Tar Heel as the probable team that will take the field tomorrow. Pearsall and Atkinson, ends; Beam and Potts, tackles; Whisnant and Warren, guards; Clont, center; Hacney, quarter; Dill and Nims, halves; and Shuford, fullback. Substitutes who will probably get in are: Hicks, Padgett, McMurray, line; and Steel, Grimsley, Branch, and Schlitz, backs.

From the front page of The Tar Heel, Chapel Hill, N.C., Nov. 23, 1923

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