
Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Goldsboro Society Notes by Mrs. W.W. Minton, Nov. 28, 1923


By Mrs. W.W. Minton, Editor

Mrs. Zollie Collins Entertains

Yesterday afternoon at 3:30 at the rooms of the Country club Mrs. Zollie Collins gave a most enjoyable Bridge party in honor of Miss Mary Alice Spear.

Eight tables were arranged in the reception room of the club which was attractively decorated with autumn leaves and flowers. The score cards and almond cups were also suggestive of Thanksgiving.

During the game fruit punch was served. After an interesting series of games were played the hostess, assisted by her sister, Mrs. Floyd Uzzle, and Miss Louise Powell served an ice course and individual cakes, the ices being moulded in pumpkin shapes.

Those present were Misses Mary Alice Spear, Nellie Muse of High Point, Lula Martin McIver of Greensboro, Laura Linn Wiley of Salisbury, Magdaline Hummell, Louise Powell, Bessie Powell, Lillian D. Wooten, and Laurinda Hooks.

Mesdames Cedric Edgerton, W.B. Thompson, Grif Porter, Paul Edmundson, Oscar Lovelace, Kirby Hart, Jno. Council, Mordecai Witherington, Spicer Holmes, Faison Thompson, Robert Jeffreys, Ben Witherington, Paul Borden, Mrs. Scott, J.C. Vanstory, Frank Deaton, and W.W. Minton.


Thursday Afternoon Bridge Club Meets

The Thursday Afternoon Bridge Club which has recently been organized met with Miss Leah Slaughter yesterday afternoon at 3:30. At the conclusion of the game, a salad course was served. The following members were present: Mesdames W.L. Rawlings, J.C. Boyenton of Norfolk, Va., Norwood Holmes, Tom Holmes, Fitz High Lee, E.R. Warren, Mordecai Witherington, Z.T. Brown, C.D. Groves, J.D. Arthur and W.W. Minton, Misses Mary Slaughter and Mary Michaux.


Informal Reception

The Country Club last night was the scene of a very beautiful reception given in honor of Miss Mary Alice3 Spear and Mr. Nosco J. Longest Jr., who are to be married tonight at St. Paul’s church at 8 o’clock, by the young men who are to participate in the wedding. The |Club always a delightful place for entertainments of this kind was unusually attractive last night, in its Thanksgiving array of decorations. Music was furnished by an orchestra, and dancing and cards were the features of the evening. Delightful punch was serve throughout the evening, and every one enjoyed the occasion to the fullest.

Among the out of town guests who were present were: Misses Nellie Muse of High Point, Lula Martin McIver of Greensboro, Laura Linn Wiley of Salisbury, and Mr. Ralph Lewis of Greensboro, N.C., and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Draton of Statesville.


To Entertain

Mrs. W.L. Rawlings will give an informal tea this afternoon at her home on W. Mulberry street in honor of her house guest, Mrs. J.C. Boyenton of Norfolk, sister of Mr. Rawlings.


Entertainment to be Given

There will be an ice cream supper and basket party given at Casey’s Chapel Friday night at 7 o’clock. The proceeds from the festival will be applied on payments on a piano purchased for the chapel. The public is cordially invited.

From page 3 of the Goldsboro News, Wednesday, November 28, 1923

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