
Thursday, November 23, 2023

Jury Finds Pretty 18-Year-Old Innocent of Killing Allen Carpenter, 80, Nov. 23, 1923

Jurors Clear Pretty Girl. . . Stanly Found Woman Driver Not Guilty of Murdering Aged Vet

Albemarle, Nov. 22—The jury having under consideration the guilt or innocence of Miss Mary Melton, the pretty 18-year-old daughter of L.D. Melton of eastern Stanly, upon a charge of manslaughter in connection with the killing of Allen Carpenter on the 15th of last July, returned a verdict of “not guilty” yesterday afternoon after having been out a few minutes, and the girl was released.

It will be remembered that last July, Miss Melton ran over Allen Carpenter, an old Confederate veteran 80 years old, near the Efird school, and killed him almost instantly. She was immediately arrested and put under bond for her appearance at this term of the court. The Grand jury having returned a “true bill” for manslaughter in the case was called Tuesday and after a close contest the case went to the jury just before adjourning time at noon as most spectators believed, as the evidence is said to have disclosed the fearful tragedy purely an unavoidable accident.

From the front page of the Concord Daily Tribune, Friday, November 23, 1923.

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