
Monday, November 27, 2023

R.S. Usry Funeral Today, Nov. 27, 1923

Mr. R.S. Usry Dead. . . Funeral at the Residence This Afternoon

Mr. R.S. Usry, 73 years of age, died at his residence on College street Sunday night after a lingering illness of several years. He was a native of Granville county and spent his early years at Tar River, moving to Oxford 40 years ago. He served on the Board of Town Commissioners for a number of years and was a director of the First National Bank at the time of his death.

“Uncle Richard,” as everybody called him, was very generous and charitable and performed many deeds of kindness that the public was not aware of.

Mr. Usry married Miss Martha Burnett, who died seven years ago. Six daughters and one son was born to the union, namely Mrs. T.B. Pendleton, Richmond; Mrs. H. Gordon of Fla.; Mrs. W.P. Marks of Warrenton, Mrs. R.P. Walker, Mrs. L.J. Dickerson and Mrs. M.D. Oakley of Oxford; one son Addison, who died 20 years ago.

The funeral will be held from the residence at 4 o’clock this afternoon, conducted by Rev. E.M. Snipes. The interment will be in Elmwood cemetery. The pallbearers as announced are: Active: W.H. Hunt, B.S. Royster, A.A. Hicks, G. McFarland, J.P. Hunt, J.P. Frazier, J.M. Baird; Honorary—Dr. Salls, J.F. Meadows, J.T. Daniel, J.F. White, N.A. Maydanis, J.S. Blackwell, Charles Critcher, D. Hunt.

From the front page of the Oxford Public Ledger, Tuesday, Nov. 27, 1923

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