
Friday, November 24, 2023

Tarkington's Routine Check of Ginning Company Prevented Disatrous Blaze, Nov. 24, 1923

Vigilance Prevents Disastrous Blaze

Camden, Nov. 24—Vigilance on the part of C.L. Tarkington, secretary-treasurer of the Camden Ginning Company, last night prevented a disastrous fire in the plant.

Inspecting the place at closing time, as is his custom, about 6 o’clock Friday evening, he detected fire in the press in lint cotton coming from the third gin. The bale had been completed and thrown out. It was taken from the plant to the road and opened up. Fire was found inside the bale. All burning cotton was removed, resulting in a moderate loss of lint.

Had Mr. Tarkington not discovered the fire, a blaze would probably have broken out in the plant in the night with no one present, and the plant and the railway station would have been destroyed.

From the front page of The Daily Advance, Elizabeth City, N.C., Saturday, Nov. 24, 1923

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