
Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Be of Good Cheer Even in Dark Times, Says W.A. Harper, Dec. 19, 1923

Be of Good Cheer

Good cheer this Christmas and New Year season to the sixteen hundred whom Maroon and Gold visits each week!

Not everything is as we could hope, no doubt, but in every situation, we should learn to find the occasion for thanks. Let that be our attitude during the festive days that lie immediately ahead. Optimism pays the highest dividends of any spiritual investment in the market place of life. Think the best, the cheeriest, the hopefulest, and these things will come to you.

What an illustration in experience Elon has had on this fundamental truth this year! On January 18 fell disaster overtook her. The way ahead was dismal, dark. With hopeful, confident eye she sought to pierce the thick darkness over shadowing her all around. And behold! five buildings lift their stately heads where but one stood before. Our disasters met in the spirit of good cheer do but nerve us to nobler achievements. Handicaps in the radiant hopefulness of “good cheer” are spurs to action and guarantees of achievement So it ever is.

Therefore, be of good cheer this Christmas and New Year season, ye sixteen hundred good and true who are weekly visited by Maroon and Gold! Your good cheer will overcome the world. It will flood your life with joy ineffable, inspire you with courage invincible, crown you with the laurel of victory in every good and worthy cause. Be of good cheer.

--W.A. Harper

From the front page of Maroon and Gold, Elon College, N.C., Dec. 19, 1923

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