
Monday, December 25, 2023

Christmastide Weddings in Granville Area, Dec. 25, 1923


A marriage of interest to relatives and friends in Oxford took place on Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lucillus Chandler, near Durham, when the daughter, Mabel, became the bride of Mr. Hoy Fuller, son of Mrs. Dudley Fuller of Oxford. The ceremony was witnessed by only a few relatives and friends of the contracting parties. Rev. Williams performed the ceremony using the ring service.

The bride is an attractive young woman of sweet personality. The groom is employed by the Lassiter Construction company and has a host of friends who are congratulating him on winning so fair a bride. Immediately following the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Fuller left for a tour north, after which they will be at home in Oxford.


The home of Rev. and Mrs. G.T. Tunstall was the scene of a pretty marriage on Sunday night when Miss Elsie May Freeman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B.F. Freeman was married to Mr. Hamilton Currin. Only a few relatives were present at the ceremony, which was performed by Rev. G.T. Tunstall, pastor of the bride.

The bride is a lovely young woman and has many friends. She has attended the Oxford Public Schools for a number of years and is very talented. The groom holds a position with Perkinson-Green Company. They will make their home with Mrs. A.P. Hobgood.


Mr. Stanley Averett and Miss Inez Reeves of Mullins, S.C., were married at the home of the bride’s parents Saturday, December 22. They will reach Oxford this evening where they will make their home. From the front page of the Oxford Public Ledger, Dec. 25, 1923


Given in Marriage. . . Batch of Licenses Issues During Christmastide

All previous records were broken last Saturday when Mr. Charles G. Powell, register of deeds, issued 15 licenses, the previous record being 11 on Christmas Eve, 1917.

Among those securing licenses during Christmastide are the following:

White List

Ewell R. Ellington and Hettie B. Yarboro, Granville.

Herley D. Brown and Octava Lloyd of Durham County.

Shirley Loftis and Lois B. Yancey, Granville.

Luther Hogg and Ruth Keesee, Granville.

Wade R. Rogers and Etha H. Whitfield, Granville.

Early B. Cumbie and Jennie F. Newton, Granville.

Ernest B. Duke and Martha B. Longmire, Granville.

Ulysses G. Wilson and Letty Pitchford, Granville.

W.H. Newton and Mary E. Harris, Granville.

E. Ransom O’Neal and Mamie Ross, Wake County.

Maynard M. Chappell and Winnie Davis, Creedmoor.

Fred A. Moss and Josie M. Chappell, Granville.

Eugene Nelms and Burnice O. Fowler, Granville.

Hamilton T. Currin and Elsie M. Freeman, Granville.

Colored List

Joe Wortham and Eula Bell, Granville.

Elbis Winston and Nora Troller, Granville.

Frank Gilliam and Mollie R. Watkins, Granville.

Horace G. Harris and Louise Roberts, Granville.

Andrew H. Landis and Daisy Daniel, Granville.

Henry West and Mary Graham, Granville.

Lorenzo Blackwell and Rosa Harris, Granville.

Thaddie White and Viola Hunt, Granville.

Tas Hargrove and Lellie Cooley, Granville.

From page 4 of the Oxford Public Ledger, Dec. 25, 1923

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