
Thursday, December 28, 2023

Clements-Lassiter Wedding at Bride's Home, Dec. 28, 1923


A beautiful home wedding, simple and impressive, took place here Wednesday at 12:30 o’clock when Miss Luna Lassiter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.E. Lassiter, became the bride of Mr. Lawrence W. Clements of Roanoke Rapids.

At the appointed hour Miss Martha Bowers of Littleton, wearing lavender georgette with corsage of Parmer violets, took her place at the piano and played soft music while relatives and special friends invited, assembled in the parlor where long leaf pine, ferns and numerous tall white candles combined to make a lovely setting for the interesting event.

As the strains of the Bridal Chorus from Lohengrin sounded, the maid of honor, Miss Flossie Cole Lassiter, sister of the bride, attired in a lovely gown of rose chiffon and satin, descended the stairway and took her place by the side of the improvised altar. The bride and bridegroom then entered the room together, and Rev. S.L. Morgan, pastor of the Baptist church, spoke the words which made them husband and wife. The ring ceremony was used during which Miss Bowers rendered softly “Souvenir.”

The bride, always attractive, was particularly alluring in her wedding costume of white satin crepe with flowing veil fashioned in cornet style with a band of pearls. Her bouquet was white Killarney roses showered with valley lilies.

After receiving the congratulations of those present, the bride changed her costume to a traveling dress of black crepe meteor with grey accessories, and the happy couple left on the north-bound train for a wedding trip to Washington and New York. They will be at home after January 5th in Roanoke Rapids.

The bride is the oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.E. Lassiter. She graduated from high school in Goldsboro where she formerly lived, and then attended East Carolina Teachers College at Greenville. Sinc leaving school she has taught, having been a member of the graded school faculty here for two years before going to Roanoke Rapids to teach.

The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. E.W. Clements of Stancil, Northampton County. For several years he has held a position as accountant with the Roanoke Mills at Roanoke Rapids.

Mr. and Mrs. Clements have many friends who wish them all success and happiness in life.

From the front page of the Smithfield Herald, Dec. 28, 1923

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