
Friday, December 1, 2023

Dr. Spencer President Concord's Newly Formed Chamber of Commerce, Dec. 1, 1923

Chamber of Commerce Organized in Concord. . . Dr. T.N. Spencer Chosen President and Charles B. Wagoner Vice President. Twelve Directors Chosen. . . J.L.M. Smith Is made Secretary. . . Will Also Serve as Treasurer for Present—New Members Are Needed—About 90 Have Joined So Far

Concord is to have an active Chamber of Commerce. This fact was definitely decided Friday night when a mass meeting was held at the Y.M.C.A. and it developed that 70 business men of the city are behind the chamber to the limit, have agreed to invest their money and time in it, and are eager to exert their influence to get their neighbors in on the good thing.

Permanent officers of the Concord Chamber were chosen at the meeting, including the president, vice president, secretary-treasurer and directors, and earnest testimonials were given by those present, representing more than two-thirds of the present members, that they are behind the proposition in the fullest measure. The officers chosen are:

T.N. Spencer, President.

C.B. Wagoner, Vice President.

J.L.M. Smith, Secretary-Treasurer.

Directors: F.C. Niblock, A.E. Harris, W.M. Sherrill, G.L. Patterson, A.R. Hoover, A.B. Palmer, L.|D. Coltrane, L.M. Richmond, C.S. Smart, A.H. Jarratt, H.I. Woodhouse and C.F. Ritchie.

All of the officers were chosen by acclamation and expressed a delight as well as a sense of civic duty, in accepting the offices to which they were elected.

Mr. Smith, who has been here for the past several weeks organizing the chamber, declared that at the time the meeting started, 76 memberships had been secured. There are 300 persons in the city who will sign up, he advised, and officers chosen at the meeting pledged their support to Mr. Smith in his efforts to secure at least 150 members.

.. . .

From the front page of the Concord Daily Tribune, Saturday, December 1, 1923

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