
Sunday, December 31, 2023

Estate of Wesley Higgins Settled, Dec. 31, 1923

Higgins Will Case Settle

Asheville, Dec. 31—A special term of the Rutherford Superior Court was to convene at Rutherfordton today for the purpose of confirming the terms of an agreement reached at Shelby on Saturday between parties contending over the will of the late Wesley Higgins of Lancy County, who died April 2, `922. The settlement provides for an equal distribution of the estate between the Methodist Church institutions and Joe and David Higgins, nephew and brother respectively, of the deceased financier. The actual value of the estate is not known, but it is estimated to be worth $300,000 to $500,000.

From the front page of the Concord Times, Monday, Dec. 31, 1923

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