
Thursday, December 21, 2023

Harnett News Wishes All a Happy Christmas, Dec. 20, 1923

Our Christmas and Yours

Christmas will have come and passed before another issue of The News is printed, and so we are here and now wishing for each and every one a happy and joyous Christmas. In expressing this wish we are following a custom that we are delighted in perpetuating. In fact, we would extend greeting to our friends at this season of the year, even if it were not customary to do so, just because we feel that way about it, and furthermore, we really want our friends to enjoy a happy Christmas.

This makes the fourth Yuletide season that has afforded us this opportunity, and if wishing might bring it to pass, our friends would experience happiness four-fold in the 1923 Christmas season. For, our friends have made it possible for us to print this newspaper; and the newspaper having a human heart behind it, feels grateful to each and every one who has been and is a friend to it.

In advance of the incoming of the New Year, we are trusting that it will prove one of the most prosperous in our experience, and we are hoping the same thing for you.

Christmas and the New Year! May we all hail them with great pleasure!

From the editorial page of the Harnett County News, Lillington, N.C., Thursday, Dec. 20, 1923. Henderson Steele, publisher.

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