
Wednesday, December 27, 2023

In Memoriam for Mrs. Bettie Adams Stuart, Leland F. Person, Dec. 27, 1923

In Memoriam

Whereas, it has pleased our Heavenly Father to call to rest our beloved member, Mrs. Bettie Adams Stuart of the Carthage M.E. Sunday School, therefore be it resolved:

That the Sunday School has lost a faithful, willing worker, always cheerful, scattering sunshine at home, church, and in her Sunday School class.

The Sunday School will miss her sadly, and is filled with sorrow over her vacant seat, that was always occupied, but her influence still lives.

|That while the Sunday School bows in humble submission to our Heavenly Father’s will, we wish to extend our love and sympathy to her bereaved children and relatives, praying God’s richest blessings upon them.

Mrs. J.E. Waddill

Mrs. J.G. Downing

Mrs. W.T. Jones



In Memoriam

To the numerus friends of Leland F. Person, who passed away on the morning of December 8th, I have a word of personal appreciation.

The sad news of his death brought a sudden shock and sorrow to the people of Carthage as a whole. Those who knew him best are grieved the most. I have been intimately acquainted with Leland Person for several years and I cannot praise too greatly his many fine traits of character. He had the most kind and sympathetic heart I have ever found in any young man. Innumerable have been his deeds of kindness to old and infirm people. He was greatly admired by men in middle life. Children who knew him all loved him. His manners while in the presence of ladies were unexcelled. To know Leland F. Person as the writer knew him was to like him. His many deeds of kindness are doubtless written in his eternal records. My sorrow is mingled with that of his many friends who knew him best.

U.L. Barrett

From the front page of the Moore County News, Carthage, N.C., December 27, 1923

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