
Friday, December 29, 2023

In Smithfield Superior Criminal Court, Dec. 28, 1923

An Appeal Taken in Leon Hill Case. . . J.E. Lewis Gets a $500 Fine; Other Cases Disposed Of

The December term of Superior Criminal Court adjourned last Saturday afternoon after a full two weeks docket. Chief among the cases tried last week was that of the State vs Leon Hill charged with seduction under promise of marriage. In our last issue a resume of this case was given, with the verdict rendered by the jury which pronounced Hill guilty. The sentence, however, was not given by the judge until Friday, when Judge Daniels gave him an indeterminate sentence of from two to three years in the penitentiary. When the judge pronounced sentence he delivered a very forceful charge to the defendant, which will be published in a later issue. The lawyers for the defendant took an appeal to the Supreme Court, and the case will probably come up in March, the spring term of Supreme Court convening the last week in February, and cases for this district being scheduled for the third week. Mr. Hill is out under a $10,000 bond.

Another case of considerable interest here was that of the State vs. J.E. Lewis, proprietor of The Busy Bee CafĂ©, charged with transporting and having in his possession whiskey. This case was tried in Recorder’s Court some time ago, and the defendant was given a road sentence. An appeal was taken with the result that the defendant gets off with a $500 fine on the charge of having whiskey in his possession, and prayer for judgment being continued for two years on the transporting count.

Other cases tried before court adjourned Saturday were:

State vs. Henry Jernigan and Joe Corley, charged with breaking into a car on a siding near the Ivanhoe Cotton Mill about three years ago Jernigan was sentenced from 18 to 30 months in the penitentiary, while Corley was given eight months on the roads.

State vs. W.D. Lee, charged with blockading. Found guilty and sentenced to 18`months on roads.

From the front page of the Smithfield Herald, Dec. 28, 1923

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