
Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Knowledge Catawba Club Boys Gain Has Paid Off, Dec. 27, 1923

A Successful Year for Catawba Club Boys

Catawba county will have a record hard to beat in its agricultural club work for this year. The poultry club members have set a good pace by making a total net profit on their work of $9,731.10, but County agent J.W. Hendricks reports good records from all the other farm clubs. He has received the cordial support of the business men in his county to foster these other phases of club activity. The First National Bvank of Hickory offered cash prizes in gold for the best records in corn, cotton, calf and poultry work. The awards recently made for these prizes show that Philip Lutz of Newton, R. 4, won the first prize of $25 for making the highest yield of corn on one acre by producing 95.5 bushels. Kernie Cline of the same address won second prize of $20 with a yield of 87 bushels.

Claude Sigmon Claremont, R. 2, won first prize of $20 for making the highest yield of seed cotton on one acre by producing 2,777 pounds. William Heaver of Newton R. 1 won second prize of $15 with a yield of 2,186 pounds.

Pauline Bollinger of Newton, R. 4, won first prize of $20 by showing at the county fair the calf giving evidence of best care and keep. Second prize of $15 went to Edward Washon of Newton, R. 1.

Vinnie Lee McCombs of Conover won the first prize of $20 for making the best display of purebred poultry at the county fair and Louie Baker of Hickory, R. 1, won second prize of $15.

From the front page of the Mooresville Enterprise, Thursday, December 27, 1923

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