
Friday, December 22, 2023

Miss Nancibelle Grant Entertains at Her 4th Birthday Party, Dec. 22, 1923

The Birthday party of little Miss Nancibelle Grant, held in the Carolina Ballroom on Saturday Evening. Those present were: Top row, left to right, Richard Rupp, Nancy Krementz, Betty Sinclair, Gene Bricaleau, Billy Rudell, Jackie Swoope, and Edwina Krementz. Bottom row—Teddy Scofield, Fred Grant Jr., and the charming little hostess.

Little Miss Grant Entertains

In the ball room of the Carolina Hotel on Saturday afternoon little Miss Nancibelle Grant, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick E. Grant of New York, celebrated her fourth birthday with a beautiful little party to which a number of her young friends were invited.

After the merry young friends were seated around the table they bowed their heads and little Miss Grant said the blessing. She cut the cake herself and passed it around. Her wish upon cutting the cake was that she have an automobile and that it be a Ford, to which her brother, Fred Jr., took exception and said that she should have wished for a “Rools” Royce.

The table was prettily decorated with a Jack Honer pie in the center, and the favors were toys, balloons, caps and snappers, and after the refreshments were served numerous games were played. The accompanying picture indicates that the affair was a most happy one.

From page 3 of the Pinehurst Outlook, Dec. 22, 1923

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