
Saturday, December 23, 2023

Police Snatch Up Purse Snatcher Before He Leaves the Store, Dec. 23, 1923

Purse Snatcher Caught Saturday. . . Negro Failed to Make Good Escape After Taking White Woman’s Purse

For the first time in some months a purse snatcher was arrested in Durham Saturday night. While out shopping Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Ellis visited the store of S.H. Kress and company. Mrs. Ellis carried a pocketbook containing $45 in cash. Jim Tucker, colored, was also in the store, along with the throng that crowded the store. He saw Mr. and Mrs. Ellis and also the pocketbook, the last with a covetous eye. He snatched the purse and Officers Knight and Massey snatched him before he could get out of the store. He will be given a hearing before the recorder Monday on the charge of larceny from the person.

From page 2 of the Durham Morning Herald, Sunday, Dec. 23, 1923

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