
Saturday, December 2, 2023

Social News from Burlington in the Durham Herald, Dec. 2, 1923

State Society--Burlington

Burlington, Dec. 1—Mrs. William B. Gentry announces the marriage of her daughter, Evelyn Vaughan, to Mr. Joseph Holt Fleming, on Friday the 23rd of November, 1923, Reidsville, N.C. Mr. Fleming is a native of this place, a son of Dr. and Mrs. P.H. Fleming. He is now superintendent of the Consolidated school located near Wentworth. Mr. and Mrs. Fleming have just returned from their bridal trip to northern cities and are here for a short visit to his parents.


Miss Hattie Lee McCullers entertained the Kill Care Klub at the home of her sister, Mrs. M.C. Terrell, Saturday afternoon at 3:30. The afternoon was spent in sewing and chatting. Miss Cullers and Mrs. Terrell served syllabub and cake to the ladies. Besides the members the guests were Mesdames W.L. Ward of Graham and W.S. Coulter and Misses Gertrude and Helen Coble and Lucy Hatch.


Mr. Lonnie Schoffner and Miss Fairy Lillian Clapp, both of this county, were married at the Lutheran parsonage here Saturday by the pastor, Rev. H.P. Wyrick. They will reside south of town on Route 1.


The U.D.C. of this place have packed and shipped to the Old Ladies’ Home at Fayetteville a box of useful articles, their annual Thanksgiving offering to this Home. The box was valued at $30.


Mr. Paul Love and Miss Margaret Lenora Beasley, both of this place, were married in Danville Thursday at the Baptist Parsonage, Rev. S.S. Holland performing the ceremony. Sherman Simpson and Miss Bertha Faucette accompanied them on their trip. Mr. and Mrs. Love will reside here.


Mrs. R.W. Malone entertained at a luncheon at her home Tuesday at 1 o’clock honoring her guest, Mrs. Herbert B. Craig of Mebane. Pink carnations, ferns and other potted plants were used to decorate the home. After lunch, bridge was played at two tables for a couple of hours. The guests were Mesdames Craig, R.D. Wilson, J.D. Strader, E.W. Sweet, W.E. Storey, C.V. Holt and M.C. Stafford.


Miss Violet Holt was hostess to the Entre Nous Club at her home Tuesday evening at 8 o’clock. Growing poinsettias were used to decorate the home. The afternoon was spent in sewing, after which a salad course was served. Four new members were received, Misses Amy Perry, Winnie Squires, and Louise Blagg and Mrs. V.R. Holt.


Mrs. C.M. Euliss, leader of the choir of Hocutt Memorial Baptist church, entertained the members of the choir at the home of her sister, Mrs. Williams Tuesday evening. The choir members were dressed to represent some song and each gave a line of her son and the others guessed what she represented. Miss Bessie Gregg, representing “Mammy” was considered the best and given a prize, a large stick of candy. In a flower contest Miss Rosa Patterson won the prize candy. The husbands and wives of the married members were presented and acted as judges. After the games and contests were over the young people were invited into the dining-room, where a salad course was served.


Miss Cathleen Cates gave a party Saturday evening honoring her guests, Miss Mary Morris and Ernest Overton of Trinity, and Miss Claudia Cates of Pleasant Garden. Ferns and chrysanthemums were used to decorate the home. Old-fashioned games were played for an hour and the guests then invited to the outdoors, where a big bonfire had been built. Weenies were roasted and coffee and sandwiches were served by the hosts. Music was rendered during the hour in the house. The guests numbered 30, coming from Mebane, Elon College, Graham and Burlington.


The Philanthropic Literary Society met Tuesday evening at 8 o’clock at the Elmira graded school auditorium. Officers were elected for the next three months as follows: President, Cecil Andrews; vice president, Roy Windham; secretary, Marvin Shepherd; treasurer, Aubrey Windham. After this a program was rendered, the chief feature of which was a debate on the query, Resolved, that Benjamin Franklin was a greater man than Isaac Newton. The affirmative won, being debated by Sully Oldham and Paul Simpson, while Marvin Shepherd and Virgil Windham upheld the negative. Roy Windham delivered a Mother Hubbard sermon. A quartette was rendered by the boys.


Mrs. A.J. Whittemore was hostess to the West Burlington Methodist Missionary Society at her home Tuesday evening, 7:30 o’clock. The chief feature of the evening was the packing of a box of clothing for the Methodist orphanage at Raleigh. There was a good attendance and interesting meeting.


Little Marian Traynham celebrated her sixth birthday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R.W. Trynham, Monday afternoon by inviting 33 of her little friends for a party, 3:30 to 5. Mrs. Ogden, kindergarten teacher, was present and helped entertain the guests by leading their games and telling stories. The little folks then repaired to the dining-room, where red and white decorations were used. The birthday cake with its six tiny candles stood in the center of the table. After the candles were blown out, the guests were served red gelatine with whipped cream and cake and mints.


The Coterie Club met with Mrs. J.S. Fros at her home Thursday afternoon at 3:30. Yellow chrysanthemums and ferns were used for decorating. Progressive rook was played at three tables. Mrs. R.F. DuRant gave several humorous readings and Mrs. E.S.W. Dermon played some piano solos. A salad course with coffee and stuffed dates was served by Mrs. Frost, Mrs. J.G. Holt and Mrs. A.D. Pate.


Mrs. R.H. Therrell gave a surprise birthday dinner for her husband Monday evening at 6 o’clock. Mr. Therrell knew nothing of the dinner until he entered the dining room and found the guests seated. A three-course dinner was served, one of the features of the dessert being the birthday cake, which stood on the table, lighted with the candles. Mrs. Therrell was assisted by her mother, Mrs. J.M. Fix.


The Business and Professional Women’s Club held its annual banquet at the Methodist Protestant Hut Monday evening, 7 o’clock. The Hut was decorated in the club colors, yellow and white. The menu was oyster soup, roast turkey, dressing, celery, olives, cranberry sauce, peas in patties, candied potatoes, chicken salad, hot rolls, coffee, persimmon pudding, and whipped cream. Miss Nettie Dailey, president, acted as toastmistress. Mrs. M.W. Buck, president of the Parent-Teacher association, gave the invocation. Miss Clara Warren gave a toast to the Chamber of Commerce, to which Mr. L.S. Moody, secretary, responded. Miss Alice bason gave a toast to the Kiwanis Club. Miss Frances Browning toasted the Merchants’ association, while Miss Lucile Johnston gave a toast to Grahm, to which Mrs. Allan Thompson of Graham responded. Music was rendered by members of the club. Miss Bertha Cates then presented the speaker of the evening, Miss Elsie Riddick of Raleigh, state president. She gave an interesting talk. After her speech was presented the State charter to the club, Miss Verna Cates, former president, and Miss Dailey receiving it. The club song concluded the program.

From page 4 of the Durham Herald, Sunday, Dec. 2, 1923.

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