
Monday, January 29, 2024

Four Cars Flipped Yesterday, Jan. 29, 1924

Number of Automobile Accidents

There were four cars turned over on the road to Elm City yesterday afternoon and last night, though, as far as we could learn, none of the occupants were hurt.

Rev. D.E. Vipperman, a Baptist minister now located at Pine Tops in Edgecombe county, who two years ago served the church at Elm City, had a narrow escape from death Saturday night as he was approaching Elm City. On account of the bright lights of an approaching car he ran off the road into the deep ditch just this side of the town and his car was badly damaged. Garage men were engaged in pulling it out yesterday afternoon. Mr. Vipperman was not injured, we are pleased to learn.

From the front page of The Wilson Times, Tuesday, January 29, 1924.

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