
Saturday, January 27, 2024

Gib Thompson Accused of Hit and Run Accident, Jan. 27, 1924

Police Arrest Autoist Who Is Declared to Have Struck Down Youths and Failed to Stop Car

Gib Thompson, labor foreman, was arrested shortly before 11 o’clock Saturday night upon two charges of assault and battery with a deadly weapon following the injuring of Ed Parrish near Bragtown earlier in the evening.

Thompson is declared to be the driver of the automobile which struck the Parrish boy, breaking his leg, and then failing to stop. The accident was reported to police who upon a meager clue, traced Thompson down in several hours.

It is declared that in the accident Thompson’s car suffered a damaged light. When the man was arrested late in the evening, he was found to be fastening a brand new lamp on his car.

Police declare the case to be especially aggravating and that Thompson’s act was deplorable. After the arrest the defendant was placed under jail, but later gave a total bond of $2,000.

Another youth was badly shaken up in the same accident, an earlier account of which may be seen in this edition of the Herald. The arrest of Thompson was brought about principally through the quick work of Detectives Brown and King.

Chief Doby declared las tonight that the running down of pedestrians and failure to stop on the part of the autoists was becoming to be a serious menace and the department was preparing to take rigid steps in such cases. Such an act is branded as one of the most cowardly that can be committed by an autoist, it is stated.

Several such cases have occurred in and near Durham within the last several days. Another similar case was reported Saturday evening when an unidentified autoist struck Mrs. A.Y. Stewart and after severely shaking her up went on without investigating the condition of the victim.

D.C. Mitchel, prominent Durham lumberman, lies in Watts hospital now with a serious wound in the head as a result of an accident in which the autoist failed to stop. This driver has not as yet been apprehended.

From page 2 of the Durham Morning Herald, Sunday, Jan. 27, 1924

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