
Monday, January 22, 2024

Hales Home Hit When Stanley Boykin Was Shooting at Cats, Jan. 22, 1924

Midnight Mystery Shot Is Explained. . . Stanley Boykin Asserts he Fired at Cats and Bullet Bounced; No Charges Will be Preferred by Local Police

The mystery of the midnight pistol bullet which went through the front of the home of Mrs. J.C. Hales, 500 West Nash street, Friday night, was solved Monday, when Stanley Boykin, who lives opposite Mrs. Hales on Nash street apologized for the incident and explained that he was shooting at cats which were annoying his infant child.

Boykin is said to have expressed bewilderment over the course taken by the bullet. H was under the impression that hie fired towards the ground and surmised that the bullet must have bounded from the pavement and struck the limb of a tree and caromed into the Hails home.

Boykin was in conference with the local police Monday. No charges will be preferred against him.

From the front page of the Wilson Times, Tuesday, Jan. 22, 1924

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