
Monday, January 15, 2024

In Gambling House Raid Herbert Jordan Runs Down Two Policemen, Jan. 15, 1924

Gambling House Is Raided by Police. . . Herbert Jordan Runs Down Two Policemen with Car; Held on $10,000 Bond

Wilmington, Jan. 14—Herbert Jordan, a well-known man of this city, was arrested early today charged with running down two policemen while intoxicated. Following the arrest, police raided a so-called club, seized a quantity of what they said was gambling paraphernalia, and arrested Cleveland Galloway and Lee Everett on charges of operating a gambling house.

Jordan is reported to have given the police much information regarding conditions in the city following is arrest. He is held on $10,000 bail pending the outcome of injuries to the policeman struck by the automobile, which, it is charged, was running without lights.

Galloway and Everett were released soon after their arrest on bonds of $1,000 each. Police used keys found in the possession of Jordan to gain entrance to the club rooms.

From the front page of the Smithfield Herald, Jan. 15, 1924

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