
Saturday, January 20, 2024

Jitney Driver Vallie Page, 38, Killed in Collision with Train, Jan. 19, 1924

Raleigh Jitney Man Is Killed by Train

By the Associated Press

Raleigh, N.C., Jan. 19—Vallie Page, 38, a jitney driver of this city, was instantly killed this afternoon when an automobile which he was driving was struck by a Norfolk and Southern train at a crossing just outside Raleigh. Though the automobile was entirely demolished and portions of it scattered about the track for 50 yards from the point of collision, the body of the man bore only two scratches on the face. It is believed that his neck was broken in the accident.

The dead man had been a jitney driver in Raleigh for some time, coming here from Holly Springs where is parents reside. The crossing at which he was killed is said not to be marked by the stop signs as required under North Carolina laws. The automobile had its curtains up after the accident and it is believed that this fact prevented the man from seeing the approaching train.

From the front page of the Durham Morning Herald, Sunday, Jan. 20, 1924

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