
Tuesday, January 30, 2024

MIss Clanton, Mr. Swift Died at County Home, Jan. 30, 1924

Two Deaths at the County Home at One Time

Thursday morning, January 24th, there had been two deaths. Miss Martha Clanton, age 78 years, and Mr. Swift. Both died early in the morning two or three hours apart. Burial services for both were held after 12 o’clock Friday.

Mr. Swift claimed profession of faith and said he was alright.

“Aunt” Martha, as folks called her, was a long time member of Walnut Grove church and after the death of her sister lived by herself until she was very feeble. Then she went down to Roaring River to live with her niece, Mrs. A.T. Pardue for 13 months. Then claiming she would not burden anybody applied for admission to the county home and stayed a while. Then she went to Wilkesboro and lived with her nephew, Edgar Joines, till Friday a week ago, when she returned to the county home, her last day—Wednesday—being her happiest day, going through the home walking and comforting the other folks. She had only one night of serious sickness.

Hath not God chosen the poor of this world, rich in faith, and heirs of the kingdom which he hath promised to them that love him?

--A.T. Pardue

From the front page of the North Wilkesboro Hustler, Wednesday, Jan. 30, 1924

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