
Sunday, January 21, 2024

Montreat Hotel, Used as School Dormitory, Destroyed by Fire, Jan. 21, 1924

The Montreat Hotel Destroyed by Fire. . . Building Being Used as Girls’ Dormitory—Loss of About $35,000

By the Associated Press

Asheville, Jan. 21—The Montreal Hotel, serving as a dormitory for Montreat Normal School on the Assembly grounds of the Southern Presbyterian Church, 18 miles east of this city, was destroyed by fire this morning, involving a loss estimated at $65,000.

Seventy-five girls, students at the Normal School, and 10 teachers domiciled in the building escaped without injury, but were driven out of doors with near zero weather prevailing. The students and teachers lost practically all their effects.

From the front page of the Concord Daily Tribune, Monday, Jan. 21, 1924

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