
Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Mr. Schulken's 1916 Ford Coupe Still Running, Jan. 17, 1924

Fords May Come and Fords May Go—This One Goes On Forever

On July 10th, 1916, Mr. M.H. Schulken, a well known lawyer of Whiteville, bought himself a Ford touring car of that year’s vintage and dedicated it to his own particular use.

If any one has ever seen any one but Martin driving that car during the nearly eight years that have elapsed since its purchase, this paper has no knowledge of their existence. Summer or winter, day or night, in sunshine and in storm, Martin has always been at the wheel when Lizzie took the road on either business or pleasure trip.

Last week Mr. Schulken decided that this ford had served out its full seven years of service in his behalf and he accordingly traded it off for a brand new couple of the same species. He received an even hundred dollars for the ancient vehicle in the course of the trade and as he drives about in his spick and span new machine he is not certain but what he parted with his faithful friend at far less than its actual value.

To The News Reporter yesterday he said that he had driven that Ford just as much during the course of each year as other Fords were driven. That he had done much of the upkeep work himself and exclusive of the tires, the car had not cost him upwards of $75 for repairs during the nearly eight years that he had it. The machine is still in splendid condition and if it is handled as carefully in the future as it has been handled in the past, it will go on forever like grandfather’s clock.

From the front page of The News Reporter, Jan. 17,1924

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