
Friday, January 26, 2024

Rowland Williams Marries Miss Mercer, Jan. 24, 1924

Mr. Rowland Williams Marries Miss Mercer

Rocky Mount, Jan. 24—Many friends attending the wedding of Miss Lenoir Cook Mercer and Mr. Rowland Williams this afternoon at 2 o’clock in the First Methodist church, Rev. H.M. North, pastor of the church, officiating.

The wedding united two of the State’s most prominent families and was attended by state-wide interest. Mrs. Williams is the lovely daughter of Mrs. William Parker Mercer and the late Dr. W.P. Mercer of Edgecombe. Mr. Williams is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Williams of Faison.

The bride was given in marriage by her brother-in-law, Mr. Lewis R. Thorpe, and was attended by her sister, Mrs. Lewis R. Thorpe, as dame of honor, and Miss Sallie Mercer Jones was maid of honor. Little Miss Charlotte Willliams, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. L.H. Hicks of Faison, was flower girl, and R.S. Wells, the young son of Mr. and Mrs. W.M. Wells of Elm City, was ring bearer.

The groom was attended by his brother, Dr. L.H. Williams of New York.

The following young men served as ushers: Henry Horne Jr. of Pittsfield, Mass.; William Edwin Duke, Robert W. Winston, Raleigh; James Davis, Dunn; Robert Witherington, Mt. Olive; Virginius Williams, Elizabeth City.

Among the out-of-town guests here for the wedding were: Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Williams, Faison; Misses Winifred and Ruth Faison, Faison; Mrs. Janie Phillips, New York; Dr. L.H. Williams, New York.

Mr. Rowland Williams, junior partner in the law firm of Godwin & Williams, Dunn, is one of the most prominent and universally esteemed young men of Harnett county. Not only in his home community but all over the county he enjoys the friendship of hosts of substantial people who will wish for him and his bride the happiest life. He was a captain in the famous Thirtieth Division of the overseas expedition in the world war, and has later been promoted to major.

Harnett County News, Lillington, N.C., Jan. 31, 1924

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