
Monday, January 29, 2024

Wilson Health Report, Jan. 29, 1924

Critical Condition

Mrs. J.W. Thorn, we regret to learn, is in a very critical condition. Her health has been poor for some time.


Mrs. George W. Blount Out Again

The many friends of Mrs. George W. Blount will be pleased to see her out again from her recent illness.


Mrs. Connor Very Low

Mrs. H.G. Connor is still critically ill and no hopes are entertained for her recovery. She has been in a state for coma for over a week.

Judge Connor is due to hold federal court in Wilmington this week, but the condition of his wife prevents his attendance.

The heart of the entire community goes out to him and his children who are at the bedside of their mother.


Injured by a Fall

Mrs. Leslie Barnes was called to Reidsville today on receipt of a telegram announcing the serious illness of her aunt, Mrs. Martha Womack, who was seriously injured by a fall which occurred yesterday. Mrs. Womack is 79 years old and the injury from her fall is very much against her recovery.

From the front page of The Wilson Times, Tuesday, January 29, 1924.

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