
Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Brick Homes Don't Cost Much More than Wood Homes, Say Editors, Feb. 20, 1924

The following will be of interest to many, taken from the Marshville paper:

“Those who have erected brick residences at Marshville say they can be erected now at a cost not much above wood buildings. Counting paint and repair expenses that come along periodically, the net cost of brick in the long run is the lowest. A good brick bungalow can be erected here for $5,000 or less. The mot expensive item connected with the question of a brick building is the high cost of laying the brick.

We sometimes wonder why more college graduates who are working for small salaries don’t get into the brick-laying business where they can make respectable wages.”

From the editorial page of the North Wilkesboro Hustler, Feb. 20, 1924, W.E. Pharr and R.B. Pharr, editors and publishers

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