
Monday, February 19, 2024

Carolina Freshman Basketball Team Beats Smithfield High School, 30 to 27, Feb. 19, 1924

University Lads Beat Smithfield. . . Tar Heel Freshmen Win Close Game from Locals by 30 to 27 Score

The Carolina Freshman basketball team won from the Smithfield High school cagers here Saturday night in one of the most closely contested games seen on the local court this season by the score of 30 to 27.

The fives battled on even terms throughout the fray, neither team ever gaining over a five-point lead on the other.

The Smithfieldians started the scoring with a field goal by Holland, but the Freshmen countered with a court goal by Dill and the score zig-zagged until Smithfield forged ahead for a 16 to 14 at the end of the first half.

Both quints went into the second half primed for battle. The men from the Hill brought their five-man attack into play and mixing long and short goals leaped into the lead.

With three minutes to play and the score of 28 to 24, the quints battled furiously. Holland for Smithfield caged a pretty one from mid-court bringing the score up to 28-26. Dill for Carolina countered for a court goal. Skinner brought the score up to 27 by a foul goal. A shot from midcourt by Holland went into the basket, but bounced out just as the whistle ended the game.

Smithfield supporters took heart when Holland dropped in his long one, but the whistle ended the game.

Holland was the individual star for Smithfield with six field goals to his credit, while Dill for Carolina was the outstanding performer of the game, caging eight field goals and playing an exceptionally good game. Skinner for Smithfield did good work at the free line, making six good out of his seven chances.

Long shots from the court made necessary by the fine defensive work of both teams was the feature of the game.

From the front page of The Smithfield Herald, Feb. 19, 1924

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