
Monday, February 19, 2024

Dr. Bracking, 91, Kills Hamby, 97, in Argument Over Open Window, Feb. 19, 1924

Old Confederates in a Fatal Fight

Nashville, Tenn., Feb. 17—Death may write a closing chapter in the fight between two aged Confederate veterans at the state Old Soldiers Home here Friday when one of them G.W. Hamby, 97, was fatally stabbed in a childish argument over whether a window should be raised or let down.

Dr. G.T. Bracking, 91, the slayer, is in a serious condition due to injuries received in the encounter, and attendants at the home believe that action by the state in prosecuting him will be forestalled by his early death. Dr. Bracking, confined at the quarters at the home, is claiming that he killed Hamby in self-defense, when the latter attacked him because he would not raise the window in his room.

The state has announced following an investigation by the sheriff of Davidson county and Governor Austin Peay that no criminal action would be taken until Dr. Bracking is fully recovered.

From the front page of The Smithfield Herald, Feb. 19, 1924

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