
Saturday, February 24, 2024

Edwin Greenlaw to Address Durham Woman's Club, Feb. 24, 1924


Dr. Greenlaw to Speak in Durham. . . Literature Department of Woman’s Club Brings Him Here on Thursday

Thursday evening at 8:15 o’clock in the superior court room of the county courthouse an address will be delivered by Dr. Edwin Greenlaw, dean of the University of North Carolina, and professor of English. He will speak on “Why do we read,” an address of wit and logic. The address will be delivered under the auspices of the literature department of the Woman’s club, and the public will be invited to attend.

Dr. Greenlaw is a distinguished scholar. He has been with the University of North Carolina since 1913 and is known in educational circles all over this section of the country. He has been invited to give courses in early English literature in the universities of Harvard, Chicago, and Columbia during the summer sessions. He is an author of a number of books covering his own field of work. The “Great Tradition” compiled by Dr. Greenlaw, assisted by Dr. Hanford, is one of the finest analyses of the contribution of literature to civilization that has ever been published.

It is expected that a large audience will be present to hear the address.

From the first page of the second section of the Durham Morning Herald, Sunday, Feb. 24, 1924. To learn more about the life of Dr. Greenlaw, visit NCpedia at Greenlaw, Edwin Almiron | NCpedia (accessed Feb. 24, 1924).

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