
Monday, February 26, 2024

Henry McNeal, John Henry Lewis, David Ashley in Mayor's Court, Feb. 26, 1924

Alleged Thief Is Not Guilty. . . Henry McNeal, Hauled Back from Dunn, Is Given a Clean Bill of Morals by Mayor Silas Lucas

Officer J.H. Williams went all the way to Dunn to bring back Henry McNeal, a negro charged with the larceny of an overcoat, but when he was tried before Mayor Silas Lucas in his court Saturday morning, the evidence proved insufficient and the defendant was allowed to wander on his weary way without legal escort.

John Henry Lewis, another traveling man, however, did not fare so well. As he lay asleep in a local depot the keen eye of Officer Schackleford discovered “razoo” protruding from his pocket.

John Henry was taxed the costs of the case when he stepped up before Mayor Lucas and pled in a trembling voice that his hardware was for shaving purposes only A deck of cards found in his possession was discovered not to be marked, and this coincidence served to strengthen the belief of the court in his personal integrity. The purpose of the cards he explained was to while away the long hours of waiting for the train to come in by playing solitaire.

David Ashley, an aged colored man, charged with allowing a dangerous and vicious dog to run at large, biting people without discretion, was taxed with the costs.

From page 5 of the Wilson Times, Feb. 26, 1924

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