
Saturday, February 24, 2024

In Durham Court on Saturday, Feb. 23, 1924

Defendants Get Road Sentences. . . Several Persons Are Tried on Saturday for Sanitary Law Violations

Three road sentences were imposed upon defendants charged with larceny and drunkenness, while James Bullock, charged with larceny, was sent up for a like period. Jack Martin, charged with larceny, was imposed a sentence of 60 days on the roads.

C.M. Maynard, charged with injury to property, failed to appear in court.

D.F.T. Page, charged with violating a sanitary ordinance, was called and failed.

J.C. Pritchard, charged with violating a sanitary ordinance was granted a continuance.

F.M. Carlton, under a like charge, received a nol pros.

A.L. Linthicum, charged with violation of a sanitary ordinance, received suspended judgment.

Vernie Riggsby, charged with a violation of a sanitary ordinance, received a suspended judgment.

Mattie Hall, charged with illegal possession of whiskey, was adjudged not guilty.

Nora Branch, charged with illegal possession of whiskey, was sent to the state industrial school.

From the first page of the second section of the Durham Morning Herald, Sunday, Feb. 24, 1924

Nolle prosequi, often abbreviated as “nol pros”, is a Latin phrase used in legal proceedings. It signifies that the prosecution has decided to dismiss the charges against the defendant, according to Copilot AI.

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