
Sunday, February 25, 2024

Local News Items, Tri-City Gazette, Feb. 25, 1924

T.M. Nance of Danville, Va., has accepted a position as draftsman with J.W. Hooper, architect.


Jos. L. Newland Sr. has returned from Lynchburg, Va., where he spent last week with his family.


Mr. and Mrs. Karl Bishopric, Mrs. J.G. Farrell and Miss Faulkner spent Saturday afternoon in Greensboro.


Randell Dyer of the University spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S.B. Dyer.


Mrs. R.E. Foster and son, R.E. Jr., left this afternoon for Richmond, Va., to visit relatives.


J.C. Morris and Miss Bernice Simpson of Leaksville were married at Wentworth Saturday evening.


Phil Marks has returned from a trip to northern markets, where he went to purchase his spring stock of goods.


Rev. J.W. West, presiding elder of Mt. Airy district, preached at the Methodist Church last night. Rev. West, while in town, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J.G. Farrell on Boone Road.

From the front page of the Tri-City Daily Gazette, Leaksville, N.C., Feb. 25, 1924

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