
Thursday, February 1, 2024

Minnie Daniel Writes Fellow Alumnae From Phoenix, Arizona, Feb. 1, 1924

Alumnae News

The following letter will surely be of much interest to the former school friends of the writer:

342 North 1st Ave.

Phoenix, Arizona

December 18, 1923

My Dear Miss Rogers,

Your letter was forwarded from the old home address which has not been in use since 1901. Surely Uncle Sam’s mail clerks keep well posted.

I have lived in Arizona for the past ten years. I am teaching in Phoenix City schools. We have over 200 grade teachers and as our Hi. S. has over 2,000 pupils they have teachers accordingly.

We have a beautiful little city of 40,000 right here in desert country. Our valley is watered by the Roosevelt Dam and it is considered one of the garden spots of the country. Oranges, grape fruit, grapes, apricots, dates, etc., grow in profusion. Lovely winter climate but summer rather hot. I like it very much yet sometimes I feel I’d like to live in N. Car. Again.

With best wishes and hearty greetings, I am,


Minnie Daniel

From page 3 of The Twig, Raleigh, N.C., Feb. 1, 1924

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