
Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Mooresville May Start Annexing Charlotte Suburbs, Says Editor, Feb. 28, 1924

It is only a matter of a short while until Mooresville will annex Charlotte as one of her hustling suburbs. The Ford plant will be located on the Mooresville road, and already hundred of Charlotteans do their shopping in Mooresville, where they find prices are equal and sometimes far better than they find them elsewhere. With the fine hard-surface road whole families frequently come to our city and make purchases that go into the hundreds of dollars. They find a variety of merchandise and courteous clerks to wait on them, all of which appeals to them. And then it is only a matter of a short time—probably less than a year, that the Southern Power Company will build that big dam eight miles west of this city, instead of building one at Monbo. It is said that the company can secure 20 foot fall greater by moving down the river from Monbo a few miles. This means that Mooresville and Charlotte will be linked by a continuous chain of dwellings along the roadside and the population of Mooresville will grow at a very rapid rate—same as she has been growing for the past several years. And then there are many other things that sound good to ears of the optimistic citizens in these parts.

From the editorial page of the Mooresville Enterprise, Thursday, Feb. 28, 1924, Harry P. Deston, Editor.

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