
Sunday, February 18, 2024

News Briefs from Grand View, N.C., March 7, 1924

Grand View Items

Everybody is getting along nicely with their work, in getting ready for another year’s crop. The Sunday School at this place has been very good, having missed only a few Sundays on account of bad weather. Our pastor Rev. L.C. Roberts filled his appointment at this place Saturday and Sunday. Owing to very disagreeable weather, the crowd was not as large as usual.

Mr. and Mrs. J.A. Bishop and children from Va. Are visiting Mrs. Bishop’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. T.S. Rice, at this place. Miss Mae Fisher has returned back to Asheville after visiting her parents at this place, Mr. and Mrs. J.B. Fisher. Mrs. T.C. Hooker and daughter Manila and son Oris, has been confined to their home for some while with the measles, but we are glad they are getting along nicely.

Miss Rena Roberts is visiting relatives in Asheville.

Miss Minnie Rice has returned back to school at Marshall after visiting home folks at this place.

Miss Mae Jump from Asheville is visiting relatives here.

From the front page of the Marshall News-Record, Feb. 18, 1924

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