
Thursday, February 22, 2024

Ramseur News in Asheboro Courier, Feb. 21, 1924

Ramseur News

Mr. C.B. Smith and Miss Sue Baldwin left early in the week for Northern markets to buy goods for Carter Mercantile company.

Members of the Home Economics Class, Ramseur high school, served supper to members of the faculty recently., This is a requirement of the department and one which I would delight to take part in if I were a member of the faculty. The class is doing fine work under their efficient director, Miss Finch.

Mrs. S.A. Caveness and her little girls, of Greensboro, spent Saturday and Sunday with relatives at Ramseur. Mr. Caveness is spending several weeks at Hot Springs, Ark. Messrs. J.E. Brady and W.M. Kimery returned Sunday from a few weeks near Moorehead City where they have been engaged in the fruit tree business.

Miss Sue Baldwin spent a few days with friends at Sanford recently.

The many friends of Mr. H.B. Moore and family regret very much to learn that they anticipate leaving us soon. We hope they will reconsider and give up the idea altogether. The writer found snow “in season” as well as plenty of beautiful merchandise at Baltimore last week. The weather was bitter cold, too, making it almost too much for Tar Heels to be in the streets.

From page 3 of The Courier, Asheboro, N.C., Feb. 21, 1924

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