
Friday, February 23, 2024

Wayne County Memorial Community Building Dedicated in 1925, Destroyed by Fire in 2004

On June 26, 1925, the Wayne County Memorial Community Building was dedicated on this site. It was built by public contributions form grateful citizens throughout Wayne County to serve as a living memorial to its sons who died in World War I. It later served to honor those who lost their lives in subsequent wars. The building became the focal point for the civic, recreational and patriotic life of Wane County for almost 80 years. It was lost to fire in May 2004.

Citizens who entered this building each day saw these words carved above the entryway:


This memorial site was rededicated on Veterans Day, November 11, 2011, to once again commemorate those who made the Supreme Sacrifice. We honor all others who fought in the wars by preserving this location of the memories of their fallen comrades. It continues to be a place where our citizens can enjoy the Blessings of Peace; a place that will serve as a reminder of these sons and daughters of Wabe County who secured our past and safeguarded our future.

From the Internet,, accessed Feb. 23, 2024

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