
Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Why Wealthy Young Woman Was Arrested for Drinking With Men Not Her Husband, Feb. 28, 1924

Her Offense

Winston-Salem Journal

An Atlanta woman who married a man twice her age and with many times her wealth and about the equal of her common sense is in trouble. She is getting a lot of publicity. She was arrested while in company with two men, neither of whom was her husband. On the table around which they sat was a bottle of liquor. The story is “news” because of the wealth of the aged spouse of the woman.

This woman could have avoided all this scandal. She violated the law and this law is higher than the law against drinking liquor. No man can live to himself alone. The woman was doing that. The party was not a conference for the consideration of means for the betterment of the world. A woman in her position with great wealth at her command, with a knowledge of things in general, could have accomplished some great things.

Drinking whiskey was not one of them. Many a woman has been arrested for meddling with liquor and nobody ever heard about it. This woman is in the spotlight rather because she neglected opportunities which for her were many and large, rather than because she drank some booze in company with ”other” men.

From the front page of the Mooresville Enterprise, Thursday, Feb. 28, 1924

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