
Sunday, February 25, 2024

Woman Kills Two Men Who Fired Through Her Window, Feb. 25, 1924

Woman Kills Two Men that Fire Through Her Window; Another Held

By the Associated Press

Cleveland, Feb. 25—Rafaile Transo and Mike Marino are dead and Tony Savajd is under arrest as the result of a pistol battle last night, which is said to have been the culmination of a blackmail plot.

Mrs. Nettie Anned, 21, is also being held. Armed with three revolvers, she fied a dozen shots at t6he three men after they had fired a shot through the window of her home, she told the police.

More than a score of shots were exchanged.

From the front page of the Tri-City Daily Gazette, Leaksville, N.C., Feb. 25, 1924

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