
Sunday, March 31, 2024

Enjoy Supper at the New Linden Tea Room, Opening March 31, 1924

New Tea Room Ready for Opening Tonight

With musical selections by Miss Catherine Spence and the pupils of Miss Linda Delon, everything is being put into shape for the opening at the Community Building tonight of the new tea room for the Linden.

Supper will be served from 6 to 9 this evening. A large crowd is expected to visit the Linden on the opening of the new tea room where they will view with pleasure the work of the committees who had charge of changing a dirty gymnasium into a clean and tidy tea room. Visitors at the Linden tonight are asked to use the Martin street entrance of the Community Building.

The Woman’s Club is moving into new quarters tonight after outgrowing the rooms under the Elks Club. Through the generosity of the Elks Club the Woman’s Club was able to open the Linden and put itself on a good financial basis. Several remarks of appreciation for the courtesies and favors extended by the Elks have been heard on every hand.

From the front page of the Elizabeth City Daily Advance, March 31, 1924

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