
Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Nancy Monk Dies When Clothing Catches Fire, March 19, 1924

Aged Colored Woman Is Burned to Death

Yesterday, just after the noon hour, the fire department was called to a residence on West Pine street, in the Little Washington section. When they arrived, they found that Nancy Monk, an aged colored woman, had been burned to death. The woman had been ill, it was stated, for about a year, and had been lying on a sofa in the front room, where a fire was kept burning for her comfort. It was believed that she had risen from her couch to rebuild the fire, and her clothing became ignited. When her daughter, who was performing household duties in another part of the house, was attracted by her screams, she found the aged woman enveloped in flames. Before the flames could be extinguished, she was so badly burned that she died almost instantly.

Little other damage was done by the fire, as practically nothing except the couch on which the woman was lying and the woman were burned.

From the front page of the Goldsboro News, Wednesday, March 19, 1924

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