
Monday, March 18, 2024

News from No. 10 Township in the Concord Tribune, March 18, 1924

Country Correspondence: No. 10 Township

Last week when the mournful sound of the turtle dove was heard, the farmers began planning to plant Irish potatoes and other garden seed, but the cold weather of Monday and Tuesday put them to sawing wood and making fires.

The Flowes Community club will meet Friday evening of this week.

Revival services are being held at Bethel this week. Rev. Mr. Moser of Kannapolis and Mr. Short of Calvary Church, Charlotte, are assisting the pastor in the services.

A wedding of much interest to the people of the township and elsewhere was solemnized last Sunday afternoon at the Bethel parsonage when Mr. Norman Black and Miss Mary Bost were married. The ceremony was performed by the pastor, Rev. Robert E. Hunt. Only a few intimate friends of the contracting parties witnessed the ceremony. Mr. Black is field agent for the Cotton Growers Cooperative Marketing Association and is an excellent young man. His parents are Mr. and Mrs. E.P. Black of No. 10 Township. Mrs. Black is the pretty and attractive daughter of Mr. L.T. Bost, also of No. 10. After visiting points of interest in the state, they will make their home in Concord. We wish for them a long and happy life.

The following resolution of sympathy was adopted by the quarterly conference which was held at Bethel Church Saturday, March 1st:

Whereas God has called Katherine Covington, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. J.B. Craven of Charlotte, from this life to the higher life, be it resolved,

First, That we extend to them our heartfelt sympathy in their sore affliction.

Second, That we do pray our God to give them grace to keep and sustain them through this sad period of their lives, and that they may ever have the assurance of meeting her in the better world.

Third. That a copy of these resolutions be put on the quarterly conference record, a copy sent to Rev. and Mrs. Craven, a copy sent to The Advocate and one sent to The Concord Times and Tribune.

From page 6 of the Concord Daily Tribune, Tuesday, March 18, 1924

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