
Saturday, April 20, 2024

Don't Blame Boys for Breaking Windows, Says Editor, April 20, 1924

Don’t Blame the Boys

Twenty-three boys found themselves in conflict with the law last week because the city has no place for them to play. The youngsters, seeking an outlet for their love of play and boyish enthusiasm, made use of the only available places for playing, such as vacant lots and streets. The natural result was broken window panes and other accidental damage to property. For this, the boys were reported to the law, and juvenile court officers took a hand. The youngsters were compelled to come across with the money to pay a portion of the damage that had been incurred by property owners.

Those cases present the need for supervised playgrounds. We could write columns about it, but not strengthen the case further than the simple story as told in the news columns of the paper Saturday morning. It requires only a moment of consideration to convince any reasonable man or woman of the most serious need for proper playgrounds. They are essential to the boys in their development, and important to property owners. Think it over, then act.

From the editorial page of the Durham Morning Herald, Sunday, April 20, 1924. E.T. Rollins, president and manager; W.N. Keener, editor.

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