
Monday, April 22, 2024

First Shipment of Irish Potatoes Out, Predictions for Other Crops in 1924

First Shipment of Irish Potatoes

Kinston, April 21—First Irish potatoes of the season have been dug in the La Grange section, according to a report from that town today. The crop will be heavy in some districts surrounding this city.

The corn acreage will be slightly increased over last year’s, it is estimated.

Farmers plan a cotton production about equal to that of 1923.

Warned by tobacconists in all localities, in the belt not to increase the acreage devoted to the weed crop, plantation owners generally are holding down to last year’s plantings. There will be a nominal increase in truck crops in the lower tobacco belt, it is reported.

From the front page of The Wilson Times, Tuesday, April 22, 1924

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