
Saturday, April 27, 2024

In Judge P.C. Graham's Court Saturday, April 26, 1924

Graham Disposes of Large Docket. . . Negro Fined Saturday for Failure to Report Smallpox in His Home

For failing to report smallpox in his home, W.F. Cox, negro, was fined $25 and the costs by Judge P.C. Graham in Saturday’s session of recorder’s court. The case was discovered by Dr. A.S. Campbell, county physician. This is expected to be a lesson to others who may be shielding contagious diseases from the health department.

judgment was suspended upon the payment of costs in the case against J.A. Russell for violating a county ordinance.

The case against G.C. Stringle for assault with deadly weapon was continued until May 3.

Five dollars and the costs with half of the fine being remitted against the disposition of the case against Andrew Frankling for being drunk.

Motion to non-suit the case against Otho Garrard, charged with disposing of mortgaged property, was granted and he was discharged by the court.

Felix Baldwin was fined $1 and the costs for assault and battery.

Both cases against Dick Ferrell, one for carrying a concealed weapon and the other for assault with deadly weapon, were continued until next Tuesday.

W.K. Dennis was called and failed to answer to the charge of violating a sanitary law.

Boisterous cursing cost Sidney Watson exactly $5 and the costs when he was tried Saturday. He was fined an additional $25 and the costs for illegal possession of liquor.

The court found that threats alleged to have been made against Essie Taylor by D.J. Taylor were made and that there is just reason to fear that he would carry them out, therefore he was placed under a peace bond of $200 following a hearing on a peace warrant. He must appear in court on the first Tuesday of each month and show good behavior. He was given a sentence of 30 days in the workhouse for being drunk. He appealed and his bond was set at $50. In still another case, charging him with illegal possession of whiskey, he was fined $20 and the costs.

Costs was all that was required of W.C. Bass, charged with violating the traffic law.

The cases against Leonard Hobbs growing out of the accident at McKay’s Pharmacy when Hobbs drove his automobile into the store, on the charge against him for injury to property judgment was suspended on the payment of costs, it being stated in court that all damages had been settled for. The case against him for driving an automobile while intoxicated will be tried on May 3.

From page 2 of the Durham Morning Herald, Sunday, April 27, 1924

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