
Sunday, April 21, 2024

Items of Local Interest in The Robesonian, April 21, 1924

Items of Local News

--All things are possible. It was a beautiful Eastern Sunday yesterday.

--Born to Mr. and Mrs. H.G. Inman of Fairmont yesterday afternoon, a girl.

--Mr. R.C. Kornegay, district manager for Rumford & Horsford Baking Powder Co. products left this morning for New York and Providence, where he will spend 10 days on business.

--Mr. J.C. Fuller, who went several weeks ago to the Mayo hospital in Rochester, Minn., for treatment, will undergo an operation today for appendicitis. A telegram of best wishes for his rapid improvement was sent to him yesterday by members of the men’s Bible class of Chestnut Street Methodist church, of which he is a member.

--Mr. A.T. DeBorde of Macon, Ga., but more recently of Brownsville, Pa., has accepted a position with Mr. A.J. Holmes as watchmaker and jeweler, beginning work Friday. Mr. and Mrs. DeBorde are making their home temporarily with Mr. and Mrs. Holmes on Third street. Mr. DeBorde is an ex-soldier and was under government vocational training until a year ago.

--Mr. Richard Humphrey of Rennert was among the visitors in town Saturday and stated that truck farming in Florida was very profitable this year. He and Mrs. Humphrey and little daughter, Mildred Baker, returned Thursday from Pompano, Fla., where they spent five months with his brother, Mr. S.B. Humphrey, who has been in the trucking business there for the past 11 years.

The front page of the Robesonian, Lumberton, N.C., April 21, 1924

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