
Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Many Road Sentences in Judge Lane's Court, April 2, 1924

Many Road Sentences Imposed by Judge Lane. . . Stokes Superior Court Is Trying Largest Docket in Years—Bryan and Ball Appeal to Supreme Court—R.T. Pell Foreman Grand Jury

The spring term of Stokes criminal court opened here Monday morning with Judge Henry P. Lane presiding. Solicitor J.F. Spruill is presenting for the state in his usual vigorous manner, and a large number of attorneys are representing the defendants on the largest docket the court has had for a number of years. At this time court is still in progress but Judge Lane has already filled the jail with law violators, administering long terms on the roads to quite a number of them.

Cases disposed of up to the time this paper goes to press are as follows:

W.T. Cardwell and L.E. Carter, retailing, 18 months each on road.

L.E. Carter, a.d.w., 30 days on road.

L.E. Carter, operating car while intoxicated, judgment suspended upon payment of the cost.

Henry Samuel, c.c.w., 1 year on road.

Sid Tolbert, larceny and receiving, 8 months on road.

Henry Tolbert, c.c.w., 60 days on road.

Henry Tolbert, a.d.w., 60 days on road.

R.H. Hundley, retailing. 4 months on road.

Peck Fulton, operating car while intoxicated, 60 days on road.

Henry Samuel and John Daniel, breaking and entering. Non suit as to Samuel; 3 ½ years on road as to Daniel.

Luz James, a.d.w., fined $100 and cost.

John Dalton, manufacturing liquor, not guilty.

Levi Woods and Charlie Mounce, manufacturing liquor, 18 months each on road.

Zeb Smith, Charlie Smith and Jesse Booth, affray. Zeb and Charlie Smith fined $25 each and one-third cost each. Jesse Booth fined $10 and one-third cost.

Zeb Smith, c.c.w., $50 and cost.

W.F. Fagg, transporting, fined $100 and cost.

R.T. Spencer, a.d.w., not guilty.

R.T. Spencer, c.c.w., fined $50 and cost.

J.N.B. Carithers, embezzlement, 3 years on road.

John Thomas, operating car while intoxicated, 4 months on road.

Eliza Wilson Humphreys, c.c.w., 90 days in jail.

S.L., W.M. and J.E. Gilbert, transporting whiskey, S.L. Gilbert fined $100 and one-third cost; M.W. and J.E. Gilbert fined $200 and one-third cost each.

Charlie Yates, manufacturing whiskey, 12 months on road.

Sam Neal, manufacturing liquor, 2 years on road.

Eddie Carl Roberts, breaking and entering, 3 years on road.

Sam Neal, manufacturing liquor, 2 years on road.

Eddie Carl Roberts, breaking and entering, 3 years on road.

Ed Shelton and Moir Smith, retailing, fined $40 on each and half cost each.

Ernest Hairston, liquor in possession, $50 and cost.

Ellen Cole, a.d.w., prayer for judgment continued upon payment of cost.

Rufe Ferguson and Clinton Dodson, a.d.w., judgment suspended upon payment of cost.

R.H. Bryan and Wilton Ball, transporting liquor, 18 months each on county road. Both appealed to Supreme court and gave bonds in sum of $2,000 each.

R.H. Bryan, c.c.w., fined $50 and cost.

the following named defendants who had cases in court were called and failed to appear for trial:

Noah Mabe, operating car while intoxicated and assault with deadly weapon.

J.B. Martin, retailing liquor.

D. Smith, manufacturing liquor.

John Logan, retailing liquor.

Matthew Martin, manufacturing liquor.

Chas. Davidson, retailing liquor.

Bob Sands and Reid Stovall, damage to property.

The grand jury serving at this week’s term of court is composed of the following citizens:

R.T. Pell, foreman; J.W. Pell, L.K. Pulliam, J.H. Nelson, J.W. Moorefield, H.G. Tuttle, W.V. Wood, Wallace Webster, H.C. Vernon, C.R. Andrews, J.T. Vernon, B.F. Mitchell, Elbert Flinchum, C.C. Carroll, W.B. Doss, J.A. Williams, E.O. Creakman, T.R. Hutcherson. Doorkeeper J.J. Priddy.

From the front page of the Danbury Reporter, Wednesday, April 2, 1924

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